Privacy Policy

  • Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
    Data Controller :
    Address: calle Manila, 43, 6º 4ª 08034 – Barcelona (Barcelona)
    Telephone: 932 007 313
    Fax: 932 006 768

NIF: B-59826149
Registry data: Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, ​​Volume 21711, Folio 0108, Full B 25936

  • What are the purposes for continuing to process your personal data?
    We process the personal data of our contacts, customers and suppliers in order to manage the commercial relationship with our organization and, in particular, contractual aspects, the sending of information about our organization and the sector, the organization
    of activities, campaigns or events and the sending of informative and commercial communications (including electronically).
  • How long will we keep your personal data?
    Personal data will be kept for a period of six (6) years, in accordance with current accounting regulations and, if applicable, for ten (10) years according to money laundering prevention regulations. In any case, INFAD will keep your personal data as long as it is necessary for the provision of the contractual relationship and unless you request its deletion. However, it will keep them for the period of time necessary to comply with the legal obligations that correspond in each case according to the type of data.
  • What is the legitimacy for the processing of your personal data?
    The legitimate basis for the processing of personal data is the mutual interest and consent of the user.
  • To which recipients will your personal data be communicated?
    The data may only be communicated to third-party organizations linked to INFAD in the field of managing its products and/or services for the same purposes referred to above, as well as to the competent Public Administrations, when required by
    current regulations.

INFAD employees who have authorized access rights according to INFAD’s internal security structure can access your personal data with the objectives and purposes described in this Privacy Policy. All INFAD employees have been trained and informed of their responsibilities in this regard and sign the corresponding confidentiality agreement. Likewise, third-party organizations whose intervention is required and/or necessary for the proper management of the provision of the service may access your data.

INFAD has established contracts or contractual agreements and security measures with third parties, to guarantee the adequate level of security and protection of personal data throughout the related chain.

  • What are your rights in relation to your personal data?
    You can request access, rectification, deletion, treatment limitation, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data at any time. You may revoke consent to the sending of commercial communications and exercise the rights
    referred to above, by sending an email to accompanied by documentary proof of your identity. With the exception that you have previously indicated it to us through the unsubscribe option found at the bottom of the electronic submissions, in which case, we already have such information.

If you do not get a satisfactory answer and wish to make a claim or obtain more information regarding any of these rights, you can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( ).